FT-Raman methodology applied to identify different ageing stages of wine spirits.

Anjos O., Caldeira I., Pedro S. I., Canas S. 2020. LWT – Food Science and Technology. 134. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2020.110179.

Application of Functional Data Analysis and FTIR-ATR spectroscopy to discriminate wine spirits ageing technologies

Anjos O., Comesaña M. M., Caldeira I., Pedro S.I., Oller P.E., Canas S. 2020.. Mathematics, 8, 896; https://doi.org/10.3390/math8060896

Screening of different ageing technologies for wine spirit by application of near‐infrared (NIR) spectroscopy and volatile quantification.

Anjos O., Pedro S. I., Caldeira I., Cana S. 2020. Processes, 8(6), 736. doi:10.3390/pr8060736. https://www.mdpi.com/2227-9717/8/6/736

FT-RAMAN methodology for the monitoring of honeys’ spirit distillation process.

Anjos O., Santos R., Estevinho L. M., Caldeira I. 2020. Food Chemistry. 305: 125511 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2019.125511.

Development of a Spirit Drink Produced with Strawberry Tree (Arbutus unedo L.).

Anjos. O., Canas, S., Gonçalves, J.C., Caldeira, I. (2020). Fruit and Honey. Beverages, 6(2), 35. https://doi.org/10.3390/beverages6020038

Methanol in grape derived, fruit and honey spirits: a critical review on source, quality control and legal limits.

Botelho G. Anjos O., Estevinho L. M. and Caldeira I. 2020. Processes, 8(12), 1609.  https://doi.org/10.3390/pr8121609.

Behaviour of low molecular weight compounds, iron and copper of wine spirit aged with chestnut staves under different levels of micro-oxygenation.

Canas S., Danalache F., Anjos O., Fernandes T. A., Caldeira I., Santos N., Fargeton L., Boissier B., Catarino S. 2020. Molecules, 25(22), 5266. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules25225266.

Application of FTIR-ATR to discriminate peach nectar with higher and low sugar content.

Coelho M.T., Valério F.A, Pedro S.I. Anjos O. 2020. Brazilian Journal of Food Technology, Campinas, 23, e2018194. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1981-6723.19418.

Effect of extreme heat processing on the Moroccan Zantaz’ honey antioxidant activities.

Elamine Y., Anjos O., Estevinho L.M., Lyoussi B., Aazza S., Miguel M. G., 2020. Journal of Food Science and Technology. 57(9), 3323-3333. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13197-020-04365-x.

Effect of innovative technology using staves and micro-oxygenation on the odorant and sensory profile of aged wine spirit.

Granja-Soares J., Roque R., Cabrita M.J., Anjos O., Belchior A.P., Caldeira I., Canas S. 2020. Food Chemistry, 333: 1274502. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2020.127450.

Study about the Influence of Sociodemographic and Lifestyle factors on Consumption of Dairy Products: Preliminary study in Portugal and Brazil.

Guiné R. P. F., Florença S. G., Carpes S.T., Anjos O. 2020. Foods, 9(12), 1775. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods9121775.

Edible Flowers, Old Tradition or New Gastronomic Trend: A First Look at Consumption in Portugal versus Costa Rica.

Guiné R.l.P.F., Florença S.G., Moya K. V. and Anjos O. 2020. Foods, 9(8), 977. https://www.mdpi.com/2304-8158/9/8/977.

The Link Between the Consumer and the Innovations in Food Product Development.

Guiné R.P.F., Florença S.G., Barroca M.J., Anjos O. 2020. Foods 2020, 9(9), 1317.  https://doi.org/10.3390/foods9091317.

Physicochemical Fingerprint of “Pera Rocha do Oeste”. A PDO Pear Native from Portugal.

Pedro S.I., Coelho E., Peres F., Machado A., Rodrigues A. M., Wessel D. F., Coimbra M. A. and Anjos O. 2020. Foods 9(9), 1209. https://www.mdpi.com/2304-8158/9/9/1209.

Volatile and sensory characterization of white wines from three minority Portuguese grapevine varieties.

Piras P., Brazão J., Ricardo da Silva J.M., Anjos O., Caldeira I. 2020. Ciência e Técnica Vitivinícola. 35(1): 49–62.


Genetic and chemical diversity in Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni using microsatellite markers and HPLC analysis.

Raimundo, J.R., Frazão, D.F., Vitorino, C., Alves, M., Gonçalves J.C. (2020). Acta Hortic. 1297: 639-646. https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1297.84  

Functionality of Special Beers – Processes and Potential Health Benefits.

Salanta L. C., Coldea T. E., Ignat M. V., Pop C. R., Tofană M., Mudura E., Borșa A., Pasqualone A., Anjos O., Zhao H. 2020. Processes, 8(12), 1613. https://doi.org/10.3390/pr8121613.


Bee pollen as a natural antioxidant source to prevent lipid oxidation in black pudding

Anjos O., Fernandes R., Cardoso S. M., Delgado T., Farinha N., Vanessa P., Estevinho M. L., Carpes S. T., 2019. LWT – Food Science and Technology 111: 869-875. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2019.05.105 

Influence of the storage conditions in the quality of bee pollen

Anjos O., Paula V., Delgado T., Estevinho M.L, 2019. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture. 106(1): 87–94. https://doi.org/10.13080/z-a.2019.106.012

Are the furanic aldehydes ratio and phenolic aldehydes ratios reliable to assess the addition of vanillin and caramel to the aged wine spirit?

Canas S., Anjos O., Caldeira I., Belchior A. P. 2019. Food Control 95: 77-84. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2018.07.048

Phenolic profile and colour acquired by the wine spirit in the beginning of ageing: Alternative technology using micro-oxygenation vs traditional technology

Canas S., Caldeira I., Anjos O., Belchior A. P. (2019). LWT – Food Science and Technology 111:260-269. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2019.05.018

Insight into the sensing mechanism of an impedance based electronic tongue for honey botanic origin discrimination

Elamine Y., Inácio P M., Lyoussi B., Anjos O., Estevinho L. M., Miguel M. G., Gomes H. L. (2019). Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 285: 24-33. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.snb.2019.01.023

Zantaz honey “monoflorality”: Chemometric applied to the routinely assessed parameters.

Elamine Y., Lyoussi B., Anjos O., Estevinho L.M., Aazza S., Carlier J.D., Costa M.C., Miguel M.G. (2019). LWT – Food Science and Technology 106: 29-36. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2019.02.039 

Influence of the storage conditions (frozen vs dried) in health-related lipid indexes and antioxidants of bee pollen

Estevinho M. L., Dias T., Anjos O. (2019). European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology 121, 1800393: 9 pages. https://doi.org/10.1002/ejlt.201800393  

Impact of fining agents on the volatile composition of sparkling mead

Pascoal A., Anjos O., Feás X., Oliveira J., Estevinho M. L. (2019). Journal of the Institute of Brewing 125 (1): 125-133.  https://doi.org/10.1002/jib.549

Enzyme Inhibitory Potential of Ligustrum lucidum Aiton Berries

Paula V.B., Delgado T., Campos M.G., Anjos O., Estevinho L.M. (2019). Molecules 24(7), 1284:1-7. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules24071283

Bioclimatic modeling in the Last Glacial Maximum, Mid-Holocene and facing future climatic changes in the strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo L.)

Ribeiro, M.M.; Roque, N.; Ribeiro, S.; Gavinhos, C.; Castanheira, I.; Quinta-Nova, L.; Albuquerque, T.; Gerassis, S. (2019). PLoS One, 14, e0210062. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0210062

Discrimination of Aging Wines with Alternative Oak Products and Micro-Oxygenation by FTIR-ATR

Sánchez-Gómez R., Anjos O., Nevares I., Delgado T., del Alamo-Sanza M. (2019). Vitis 58 (Special Issue): 77–82. https://doi.org/10.5073/vitis.2019.58.special-issue.77-82


In vitro establishment of blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) using different initial explants.

Farinha N, Gonçalves JC, Alves MN, Delgado T, Anjos O, Debiasi C, 2018. Acta Horticulturae 1224: 145-156. https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2018.1224.20

Morphological and physiological effects of two different light sources on in vitro multiplication of chestnut and prickled broom

Gonçalves JC, Skec A, Krnjac A, Delgado T, Frazão D, Farinha N, Domingues J, Coelho MT, 2018.

Acta Horticulturae 1224: 57-65. https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2018.1224.9

In vitro shoot cultures of Pterospartum tridentatum as an alternative to wild plants as a source of bioactive compounds.

Gonçalves JC, Coelho MT, Diogo MG, Alves VD, Bronze MR, Coimbra MA, Martins VM, Moldão-Martins M, 2018. Natural Product Communications, 13(4):439-442.

Assessment of genetic diversity in Opuntia spp. Portuguese populations using SSR molecular markers.

Reis CMG, Raimundo J, Ribeiro MM, 2018. Agronomy, 8: 55. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy8040055

Cistus ladanifer (Cistaceae): a natural resource in Mediterranean-type ecosystems

Frazão DF, Raimundo JR, Domingues JL, Quintela-Sabarís C, Gonçalves JC, Delgado F, 2018. Planta 247: 289-300. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00425-017-2825-2

Physicochemical and sensorial characterization of honey spirits.

Anjos O, Frazão D, Caldeira I, 2017. Foods 6(8), 58:1-14. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods6080058

Development of blueberry liquor: influence of distillate, sweetener and fruit quantity.

Caldeira I, Lopes D, Delgado T, Canas S, Anjos O, 2017. J Sci Food Agric. 2017 Jul 19. https://doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.8559  [Epub ahead of print]

Extractive method optimization for Ligustrum lucidum that leads to a better free radical scavenging activity.

Delgado T, Campos MG, Farinha N, Estevinho LM, Anjos O, 2017. Planta Medica International Open, PMIO 2017; 4(S01): S1-S200. https://doi.org/10.1055/s-0037-1608203

Variation of lipids indexes in pollen with its botanical origin.

Anjos O, Campos MG, Dias T, Estevinho LM, 2017. Planta Medica International Open, PMIO 2017; 4(S 01): S1-S20. https://doi.org/10.1055/s-0037-1608202

Application of FTIR-ATR Spectroscopy on the bee pollen characterization.

Anjos O, Santos AJA, Dias T, Estevinho LM, 2017. Journal of Apicultural Research, 56(3): 210–218. https://doi.org/10.1080/00218839.2017.1289657

Preliminary characterization of a Moroccan honey with a predominance of Bupleurum spinosum pollen.

Elamine Y, Aazza S, Lyoussi B, Antunes MD, Estevinho L, Anjos O, Resende M, Faleiro ML, Miguel MG, 2017. Journal of Apicultural Research. https://doi.org/10.1080/00218839.2016.1265759